The Love That Saved Him Read online

Page 21

  “Sarah.” He spoke her name with raw emotion, conveying everything that was in his heart. “I never thought…I dared not hope…” He kissed her again. The need to love her was overpowering in its simplicity. “What I feel for you…” He pressed his lips to the side of her neck and quietly whispered, “You saved me, Sarah, and I love you for it.”

  “I love you too.” Her voice was smiling as she said it, and his heart expanded, swelling until he could barely contain the joy flowing through him. He placed his forehead against hers and held on tight while savoring her warmth and the perfect softness of her curves.

  His heart thrummed and his body shook when he finally leaned back to meet her gaze. She smiled and cupped his cheek with her hand in the tenderest way imaginable. A little undone by the rush of intense emotions flowing through him, he cleared his throat and said, “There’s fresh coffee if you’d like some and toast, too, in case you’re hungry.”

  She grinned and drew him back for another quick kiss. “Some coffee would be welcome.”

  Unwinding his arms from around her, yet reluctant to release her completely, he took her hand and led her into the kitchen. “Have a seat,” he said after pulling out a stool. She sat and as he helped her off with her jacket, he allowed himself to embrace her from behind.

  She made a throaty sound that called to the needier side of him. Brushing her hair aside with his fingers he pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck. She shivered slightly, heightening his desire for her, but to move from kissing to making love when all she’d agreed to for now was coffee would probably be a mistake. So he stepped around her and went to retrieve an extra mug.

  “How’s Thomas?” he asked, hoping to cool his ardor a little. He hadn’t been with a woman in more than two years, and now that he was mentally ready for such intimacy, his body was all too eager to get on with things.

  “Tired mostly. He wants me to stop working so hard so we can spend more time together.” Sarah accepted the cup of coffee Pierce gave her and took a sip. “He suggested I hire a couple of men to ease the load.”

  “That’s not a bad idea.” Pierce watched her thoughtfully. “You have been extremely busy lately, and although I understand your reasoning, I think your grandfather has a point. These last moments with him are precious, Sarah, so if you can take a step back from work for a while, I really think you should do it.”

  She nodded. “I agree.” Pensiveness filled her gaze. “Perhaps you can help me look for additional crew members and interview those who are interested?”

  “Sure.” He straightened himself. “We can start right now if you like. I’m sure there must be some classifieds online for us to consider before we start putting out ads of our own.”

  Agreeing, Sarah accompanied him into the living room where he kept his laptop. For the next hour or so they scrolled through several pages of potential candidates before settling on five who looked better than the rest. Putting them in order of preference, Pierce suggested he start reaching out to them while Sarah went to check on how Jack, Peter, and Klaus were doing.

  “I’ll probably head home after that to see how Grandpa’s getting on and to spend some more time with him,” Sarah said. “But I can come back later this evening, if you like. After he goes to bed, that is. Maybe we could watch a movie together?”

  “I’d love that, but I don’t want you to feel as if you have to give me extra attention just because we’re dating.” He brushed her cheek with his fingers before leaning in to kiss her. “I can wait, Sarah.”

  “I know.” She reached her hand around his neck, sliding her fingers up through his hair as she pulled him back for another kiss. “But with Jack staying over and able to help in case Grandpa wakes up and needs something, I…err…I’d really like to spend some more time with you.” The words came out in a rush, and she flushed a deep shade of red.

  Pierce pulled her close and kissed her again, more firmly this time. Her shyness was so adorable when she was usually so self-assured. “I want to spend more time with you as well,” he murmured against her lips. He added another brief kiss before pulling away and adding some necessary distance. “What time should I expect you?”

  “Around nine. Is that too late?”

  “Not at all.” He went to find her jacket and helped her on with it before seeing her to the door.

  Another series of kisses followed before she drew away with a wide smile that instantly warmed his heart. “I’ll see you later then,” she said, her voice breathless.

  Pierce nodded and she stepped out onto the front step. She paused for a second before turning about and hurrying down the steps. A thrill buzzed through him, settling deep in his belly as he watched her go. She looked back briefly and waved before quickening her pace and adding more purpose to her stride.

  Pausing briefly on the threshold, Pierce inhaled the fresh mountain air. Invigorating crispness filled his lungs as peace settled deep in his bones. This felt right. He and Sarah were going to be great together, and he looked forward now rather than back, excited to discover what the future had in store for them.

  When Sarah returned that evening, Pierce showed her where he kept his movie collection and asked her to pick whatever she liked.

  “How about this?” She held up a copy of The Thomas Crown Affair.

  “Great choice,” Pierce said. He took it from her and put it into the DVD player before sitting beside her on the couch. As soon as the credits started to play, she took her shoes off, curled her legs up beside her and leaned her head against his shoulder. Appreciating the intimacy, Pierce swept his arm around her shoulders and leaned back comfortably against the couch cushions.

  “They’re never going to find him,” she said excitedly a little over an hour later when Pierce Brosnan managed to confuse the police with a crowd of lookalikes. “Is it weird that I want him to get away with it? I mean, he is a thief, but he’s just so clever and charming. I’d hate to see him end up in prison.”

  Pierce grinned. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  They watched the rest of the movie in silence. At some point her hand had settled against his leg. She turned slightly, just enough to glance up and meet his gaze. “That was an excellent movie,” she whispered.

  He felt her hand tighten against his leg as she pushed up toward him. Her lips met his and a charge went through him, tightening his muscles and kicking his heart into rapid motion. She pressed closer, bringing her floral scent with her and drawing him into a sensual embrace as the kiss grew deeper, hungrier, more urgent.

  “Sarah…” His hand slid beneath her shirt, flattening against the curve of her back. God how he wanted…the loneliness he’d felt for more than a year now a yawning cavity in need of being filled. But what if she wasn’t quite ready? What if—

  “Yes.” Her hand slipped up under his shirt, her fingertips lightly stroking a path that set his flesh on fire. “Yes,” she repeated.

  He pressed his forehead to hers and tried to slow his breathing. “Are you sure, Sarah?”

  “As long as you are,” she told him sincerely. “I want this, Pierce. I want you.”

  She was in his arms in an instant, his lips caressing hers with all the love he felt for her as he carried her to his bedroom and set her carefully down. He could barely believe this was actually happening, that they’d gotten this far – that he had gotten this far.

  Without saying a word, she began pulling her shirt over her head to reveal a figure far lovelier than he could ever have hoped for. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured as she undid the fly of her jeans and pushed them down over her hips before kicking them aside. His breath hitched. Dressed only in her pristine-white underwear, she stepped into his arms, allowing him the honor of undressing the rest of her.

  Through it all, he never stopped kissing her, except to quickly divest himself of his own clothes which landed just as haphazardly as hers throughout the room. He lowered her onto the bed, and his lips and hands explored her body until she sighed and whispered his
name. As he joined his body with hers, loving her with every piece of his heart, he knew the bond they had forged would be just as lasting as the roughened landscape of the Klondike wilderness. She was his and he was hers and together they found the rhythm that eventually sent them both soaring – a perfect coming together that shook them both to the depth of their souls. It confirmed how good they were for each other and how wonderful life could once again be with the right person to share it with.

  Three months later.

  Clasping Pierce’s hand as he pulled her up onto a plateau resting against the mountainside, Sarah caught her breath and turned to admire the view. “It’s stunning, isn’t it?” Her chest rose and fell a little rapidly due to the exertion of the climb, but it was worth it.

  “Yes,” he agreed. “You couldn’t have picked a better spot.” They waited for Sarah’s parents and Jack to join them.

  “It’s incredible up here,” Sarah’s mom said when she climbed up beside her.

  “Grandpa would have loved it,” Jack said.

  Releasing Sarah’s hand, Pierce put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug while Fido scampered around, sniffing about their feet. “Are you ready?”

  When she nodded, Pierce took off his backpack and set it on the ground. He opened it and reached inside to retrieve a black ceramic container which he held toward her. Taking it from him, Sarah cradled it between her hands, acknowledging the cool, smooth surface and the way in which the sunlight reflected off of it. She glanced at Pierce, who gave her a reassuring smile, and then carefully twisted the lid. Her eyes burned as they always did when she thought of her grandfather, her throat going raw with sentimental yearning.

  “He lived not only to find the most profitable source of gold in the Klondike, but to see his granddaughter happily married to the best man that ever arrived in Dawson,” Sarah said, her heart leaping with undeniable joy when Pierce placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “He was loved by us all,” Sarah’s mom said with a shaky voice. Her husband took her hand in a comforting gesture of solidarity.

  Jack moved closer to Sarah. “Go ahead,” he told her softly. “This is what he wanted.”

  Tilting the urn, Sarah quietly whispered, “You will stay in our hearts forever.” A gentle breeze caught the ashes in a swirl that allowed Thomas Palmer to fly free across the snow-covered landscape. He was with his Mary now, free from pain and at peace. And as Sarah stood with crisp mountain air biting her cheeks and Pierce’s warmth at her side, she sensed the end to an era as a new beginning loomed before them on the horizon.


  I would like to thank the Killion Group for their incredible help with the cover art and edits. And to my wonderful beta-readers, Jacqueline Ang, Barb Hoffarth, Susan Down Lucas, Jamie Mathews Heustess, Maria Rose, Jennifer Becker and Theresa Perelli Vultaggio, thank you for your insight and advice. You made this story shine!

  About the Author

  Born in Denmark, Sophie has spent her youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places around the world. She's lived in five different countries, on three different continents, has studied design in Paris and New York and has a bachelor's degree from Parson's School of design. But most impressive of all - she's been married to the same man three times, in three different countries and in three different dresses.

  While living in Africa, Sophie turned to her lifelong passion - writing.

  When she's not busy, dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, swimming, cooking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading. She currently lives on the East Coast.

  You can contact her through her website at

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